• Welcome to your very own INMUN 2014 blog everyone!

  • General Assembly, United Nations

    Established in 1945, the General Assembly occupies a central position as the chief deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the UN. It also plays a significant role in the codification of international law.

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    NATO and the United Nations (UN) share a commitment to maintaining international peace and security. The two organizations have been cooperating in this area since the early 1990s.

  • Commission on the Status of Women

    The CSW is a functional commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Every year, representatives of Member States gather at UN Headquarters set global standards and formulate concrete policies to promote gender equality and advancement of women worldwide.

  • AD HOC Crisis Committee

    Established on 17 December 1996, it was mandated by the General Assembly to elaborate, as a matter of priority, an International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings and Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. This was a step taken to eliminate international terrorism.

Friday, 18 July 2014

An Interview with Aaditya Jagdish: David Lloyd George

David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor, OM PC was a British Liberal politician and statesman. He played a very crucial role in  helping the delegates of the various countries at the Paris Peace Conference arrive at peaceful conclusions

My Greetings to Mr. David Lloyd George,

Q: How does it feel to be Mr. David Lloyd George who is one of the members with “The Big Four” members of the Paris peace conference?
A: I am honoured to have been given the post of such an important person. It is my first year as a part of the INMUN 2014.I had been told to take up the role as the Prime Minister of Britain at short notice and I am pleased that everything has gone well so far. As DLG I feel that I have to make a lot of important descision that can lead to the upbringing or downfall of Gemany.

Q: What do you think about the involvement of Germany as a cause of the Great War? Was it solely responsible or were its allies equally responsible for it?

A: My opinion right now is of Germany being innocent. It was a group of Serbian nationalists, known as ‘The Black Hand’ who assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand which lead to Austria declaring the 11 point ultimatum on Serbia which they did not accept to protect their sovereignty and caused Austria to declare war on Serbia.so I am saying that USA has intervened in this war – it was not their war to fight. They just interfered and caused huge devastation; and now they are declaring Germany guilty. This is something I do not support at all and I strongly believe that Germany had no role at all whatsoever in starting the war. I will go by whatever I have said in the past ... and although I may have contradicted my statements for the crisis...I personally am ‘FOR GERMANY’.

Q: Does your soft corner for Germany appear due to the fact that Germany was your best pre-trading partner and that by reducing the harshness of their punishment will help them to return to their prosperous form faster?

A: No. I believe that the trading between Germany and Britain has got absolutely nothing to do with the statement I have given just now. It has everything to do with the events of the war. Germany may have fought a lot of wars during this period but it has also lost 2 million soldiers of our countrymen within this span of time. It doesn’t matter who declared the war on who...it is the losses that actually matter.it is the sovereignty of the country that has been harmed.

Q: What do you think about of the sudden crisis – which had Germany unexpectedly threatening to throw uranium nuclear bombs on USA and similarly on other countries if they do not listen to the terms of Germany?  Don’t you think that is threatening?

A: It is threatening but I think all of the countries including me have a role to play in this sudden attack. I am accepting that I am guilty. I am not saying that I did not do this. I blamed Germany and imposed them with much more than what they can actually handle – which may have caused the flame to ignite and feel that they have been accused of something they are not responsible for. So Germany may have killed many people...but for them to have taken such a step – has shown our involvement in great proportions. That is why I declared peace. I wanted no involvement in this bomb and I showed that I still have little faith in them through this act.

Q: Do you believe that your diplomacy has played a great role in bringing peace among the nations?

A: Yes. Having to sit in between France and USA who want to completely cripple Germany strategically, financially and economically and Greece who wants to treat Germany kindly so that they do not retaliate ... diplomacy helps in bringing a wave of calmness among the delegates – because I am taking into consideration all aspects of the opinions of all of them. This helps all of us in taking decisions with a cool mind and not a mind purely of personal reasons and vengeance.

Q: What do you want to talk about the crisis session which was held just a few minutes where you went completely against your previous statements and had to strike against Germany?

A: Yes, it was required at that point of time. Since the crisis committee wanted DLG to go against Germany for their own reasons...I had to come up with points which showed Germany as the most important cause of the war. But not taking regard of the crisis  - I would say that I still stand by my statements.

Thank you Mr. David Lloyd George. It was a pleasure talking to you

My Pleasure.

Akshara Mohandas

Have they got their Eye on our world?

A new day in the AD HOC Crisis brings new crises to the fore.
We plunge into the first session with a recap of the crises faced by the 26 countries yesterday, which left the state of affairs being:
-World War 3 is underway.
-The monarch of the Democratic Republic of Korea was assassinated, leaving DPRK to be an Islamic Republic of Korea. (IROK)
-The premiere of China was assassinated, leaving China to be ruled by the military.
-Putin and Obama have both been assassinated.
This was followed by a few opinions and measures of particular countries that were directly involved with the events that unfolded yesterday. 
The committee then held a press conference, where The Press and The Chair questioned the Delegates of the countries of IROK, PRC, India, France, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine and Vietnam. 
These questions brought to light new information, mainly being:
-The PRC, instead of being a “headless chicken”, has settled on a new leader with the help of the parliament, and so the country of China is now ruled not by the military, but by Li Keqiang the Second. 
-ISIS has directly threatened Israel.
-IROK is no longer IROK, but is now the Islamic State of the South China Sea. (ISSC)
After these revelations, the delegates of China, Vietnam, India, ISSC and Ukraine launch into a heated argument, the result of which is proclaimed war between ISSC, and Vietnam and China. The Delegate of Ukraine urges the committee to rethink starting all these wars. 
In the midst of all of this, the UN Envoys bring an update that states: “Israel, Palestine and Lebanon have been taken over by the Hamas, who have also been held responsible for the theft of a large quantity of enriched uranium.”
To this, the Delegate of Israel expresses his disbelief at the Hamas troops, and a majority of the 26 delegates of countries pledge aid to Israel. 
The chair then gives permission for an Unmoderated Caucus for 10 minutes, at the end of which there are to be directives presented. 
At the end of the Unmod, there were several directives presented to the chair.
The delegates were debating the terms of the different directives when the UN Envoys brought a new update, one which completely changed the fate of the committee. 
The update was, “Texas has overthrown the USA government and is now a Christian country. Russia wants to help Pakistan eradicate the Taliban; however, Russia has joined hands with the Taliban and has overthrown the government of Pakistan.”
The delegate of Pakistan shares his views: “The Delegate of Pakistan is horrified that our ally, Russia, would join hands with our public enemy, The Taliban.”
The delegate of Russia expresses his dissatisfaction with the events, and simply states, “Russia is trying to find a new president, and would like to establish peace treaties with other countries.”
The Chair found it advisable to establish peace treaties, and so the committee broke into a 20 minute session of Unmoderated Caucus, at the end of which there were to be peace treaties presented to the chair with the conditions, terms and consequences. 
The Peace treaty that was presented was utterly rejected, due to the new directive that was introduced by the new Free State of Texas that proclaimed that the country is now under rule of Rick Perry, a member of the Illuminati.
 The FSOT managed to convince more countries to join their Illuminati force, at the end of which the list of countries that are now Illuminati are FSOT, UK, India, ISIS, ISSC, and Pakistan.
There were more peace treaties that are meant to be formed, hopefully treaties that will ensure that peace prevails, not treaties that entitle the entire world to the mercy of the Illuminati. 

Rashi Kumar
AD HOC-North Korea.

Interview with Germany

As the events took an uninteresting turn, the committee was forced to plunge a crisis amidst all the on goings – although the delegates were quite confused at the sudden turn events, they cleverly adapted to the change, and passed several moderated and unmoderated caucuses so that they could peacefully settle the crisis. What ensued after this was an unexpected situation where Germany suddenly received a colossal power – in the form of uranium nuclear bombs – that could possibly blow up the entire nation in a matter of seconds. While Germany expected everyone at its mercy, and for once the roles reversed...it was soon astonished to see that most of the delegates representing the various countries were willing to come together and raise a war against them – with Ho Chi minh and David Lloyd George being the only ones who cleverly and very diplomatically backed off from the war, coming in terms with Germany. What followed, was a hilarious situation, where DLG suddenly declared that it had captured the information for all the seven nuclear bombs of Germany and that he was willing to use it just for defense and not threaten anyone (I must say...all the while he has been doing research behind everyone’s backs. For intriguing everyone further more, new crisis were introduced with the prime minister of Greece being unexpectedly abducted, with her bodyguards being assassinated by the German military  - as per the information received by the member of the USA secret service. It is a comical moment with the Prime Minister of Germany denying the fact of kidnapping  - as we realize he has been completely taken by surprise.

“ I swear I didn’t do that, I didn’t kidnap him!!”                                                                                                                           After getting in tuned with the crisis, he quickly amended his statement by saying that:

“I accept the fact that Germany has not liked the Greek views  and do not deny the blame of abduction of the Greek prime Minister”                                                                                                                                 

The terms of release is being questioned when suddenly a telegram is intercepted which apparently has been sent by premier Lenin to the Prime minister of Germany – Mr. Philip Scheidmann regarding the kidnapping – which forces the delegates to think that both the countries have been conspiring behind their backs. Although many country delegates , namely David Lloyd George were willing to provide military and ammunition and secret service to search for their ”beloved peace-loving delegate’ – since no one  could arrive at a proper conclusion to the crisis ... the session was unfortunately scrapped.

After a moderated caucus is passed  -- on discussing the principles of league of nations and the reason behind its formation; the delegates receive an unexpected and unfortunate news of the assassination of the German Prime Minister – Philip Scheidmann and now enters our popular German dictator of all times – Mr. Adolf Hitler.

On asking him to introduce himself we were met with a very funny conversation:

Exec Board Chair: Please introduce yourself

Adolf Hitler(Former Philip Scheidmann): I just went out of the class and came back ...when

Exec Board chair: Which class Mr. Adolf????

Adolf Hitler: I mean...I was just assassinated...I mean Mr. Philip Scheidmann was assassinated and I came on behalf of Germany as a representative - Mr. Adolf .

Exec Board Chair: Are you a communist Mr. Adolf?

Adolf Hitler: Am I a what??!!

After what was a thorough detailed description regarding the principles of league of nations and the countries that should join such a peace keeping organization the session 1,2 and 3 of the day 1 , of Paris Peace Conference came to an end.

Akshara Mohandas

Interview with Deeksha Vishneek

Greetings, delegate Eleftherios Venizelos.
It seems that you changed the course of history in the Paris Peace Conference by proposing the League of Nations draft treaty. Where did you come up with such a revolutionary idea?
Venizelos:  Every country has it’s own parliament which decides the happenings and the running of the country. I believe that it is important for the world as a whole to have its own parliament which aims to keep all countries aware of foreign policies, relations, etc. It would create a better world for people, and stronger relations between nations.
Why have you taken such peaceful measures although it was Athens that suffered from the German aggression, going to the extent of crippling you for life? 
Venizelos: My first instincts were to commence war on Germany as they had harmed a major city close to my heart. But I took into consideration that we have come here to form a peace treaty and so I suppressed my urge for revenge and decided that the best way to resolve such a solution without any violence. And I will always be willing to give anything up for world peace.
What is the League of Nations, essentially? 
Venizelos: I would state the league of nations as a general association of nations to be formed to guarantee to its members political independence and territorial integrity. It should consist of all nations and work towards world peace by discussing war and foreign relations and countries’ economic crises. I would like it to promote cooperation in business and trade and strengthen foreign relations.
What are the ideals of the League of Nations?
Venizelos: To act as a world parliament to maintain peace as far as possible. To discuss war, economy as well as internal problems in a country. To ensure adequate living and working conditions for people in all parts of the world.
What are the peacekeeping measures the League of Nations is allowed to take?
Venizelos:  We encourage all countries to have equal say on all topics of discussion, even if they are not directly involved. We hope to solve all problems by arbitration. If not, we will have to take strict measures and may have to deploy the league of nations’ military if forced to.
Is it the wisest idea to give a council headed by certain member nations its own private army?
Venizelos: There should be an elected head or a number of elected heads who will run the league of nations for a certain period of time. Before taking any action, all countries must approve. The main reason for the head is only to keep an organized discussion.
Will the league of nations use its discretion as to which countries are a threat to world peace and which ones are just overly ambitious? 
Venizelos: The league of Nations will decide which countries are a threat according to the steps they take and if they agree to join the League of Nations or not. If any country does not join the league of nations, we see them as a threat to world peace.
Will the League of Nations successfully be able to prevent another Great War?
Venizelos: If all countries are willing to contribute and see the importance of the league of nations, I hope that we will be able to prevent wars in the future.
I hope you are right, delegate. Thank you for your time. 

Aditya Katakol


The day began with the news of US intelligence stating that Russia was guilty of shooting down MH170 over Ukraine. The press of course questioned the delegate of Russia and this is the conversation that followed.

Press of Iran: Delegate of Russia are you aware that US intelligence has identified Russia as the country guilty of shooting down MH170 over Ukraine ?

Delegate of Russia: Yes.

Press of Iran: The plane was carrying dozens of HIV researchers heading to Aus for an AIDS conference. This is fact. Do you have anything to say?

After moments of silence and a brief respite granted by the Chair the delegate of Russia provided a bewildering response.

Russia: We believed that the plane was Ukrainian, so we shot it down.

Russia: 298 citizens were killed, some of them were HIV researchers, I regret to say this would not be benefitting Russia.

The vagueness of this answer only shows how clueless Russia is about the actions of Russian based militants in Russia. The session then broke into unmoderated caucus to discuss solutions to the spreading pandemic of AIDS/HIV.

Press of Iran


Interview by the Press of Iran (Abanishwar Sen)

China’s stance on the HIV/AIDS Pandemic in relation to women-
The HIV/AIDS epidemic in China is at a critical juncture. Slowly this infection is spreading to a more generalised population with women, children and the homosexual population being at the greatest risk. As China is a country where trafficking is sadly rampant many young female migrants find employment in entertainment venues located in metropolitan cities, and sex work transactions frequently occur in these places with no heed given to basic contraceptive or hygiene measures. Also, the absence of real work opportunities and economic strains forces women into the prostitution ring. Stigma attached to the disease in turn prevents the affected people from getting necessary aid and this makes the epidemic difficult to mitigate.

Measure taken by China to counter this epidemic-
1) Implementation of the “Four Frees, One Cares” and “Five expands, Six strengthens approach” “Five Expands,” means to expand 
IEC activities, surveillance and testing, PMTCT, comprehensive interventions, and coverage of 
ART. “Six Strengthens” means to strengthen blood safety management, health insurance, care and support, rights protections, organizational leadership and strengthening of response teams.

2) In 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao attended the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV, demonstrating the strong resolve of the Chinese government to respond to the spread of HIV. The actions of top-level state leaders have set a positive example of active participation in the AIDS response for the whole of society.

3) Protecting rights of PLHIV
During the past two years, the Chinese government has stepped up efforts to protect the legal rights of PLHIV and eliminate discrimination.

4) Dissemination of information and providing awareness through modes of mass communication and through Sex ed programs at school

5) Preventing Mother to Child transmission
In 2010 and 2011, efforts to strengthen prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV were expanded continuously in China. Since the second half of 2010, efforts began to effectively integrate work to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B.
6) Finally, has worked with Antiretroviral treatments, provided voluntary counselling and has started a pilot needle exchange program that works to counter the ill effect of injected drug use.


Urges the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council in addressing HIV and AIDS, and the continuing need for coordinated efforts of all relevant United Nations entities, in line with their respective mandates, to assist in the global efforts against the epidemic,

Requests concerted efforts towards ending conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence, empowering women in an effort to reduce their risk of exposure to HIV and curbing vertical transmission of HIV from mother to child in conflict and post-conflict situations

Affirms that the disproportionate burden of HIV and AIDS on women is one of the persistent obstacles and challenges to gender equality and empowerment of women, and hence urges Member States, United Nations entities to provide sustainable assistance to women living with or affected by HIV.

Abanishwar Sen
Press of Iran.

NATO communiqué

“Crimea is pro-Russian and if Ukraine becomes part of Nato, then any power that Russia has will disappear because Ukraine will become politically more powerful.” – GREECE

“The delegate of India feels that Russia should not feel insecure. The Crimean crisis must be solved quickly and peacefully so that international peace and problems may come back.” – INDIA

“Russian Federation is insecure which is insecure which is why Russia thought that the plane from Malaysia was from Ukraine.” – CROATIA

“The delegate of Netherlands feels that the delegate of Vietnam’s statement is wrong as Russia is worried about the relationships that Ukraine and Russia had when Yanukovych was in power , now that he has fled, Russia wants the deal to stay ‘on’ and therefore intervention.” – NETHERLANDS

“The delegate is disgusted by the Russian federation. The delegate feels that being insecure does not give it the right to annex territories and violate treaties signed. Ukraine is a sovereign country. We have the right to make our own decisions on whether we want to join NATO or the Russian federation.” – UKRAINE

“Norway agrees to the fact that the Russian federation is insecure, because a large number of gas reserves are in Crimea. Russia does not like the fact that NATO will have (peaceful) access to these reserves as Russia is the number one exporter of gas to the EU.” – NORWAY

“NATO has been involving more countries into the treaty to promote peace and to military co-operation to fight any possible future threats. This makes Russia feel insecure for some reason, which shouldn’t be happening. Ukraine joining NATO will only protect the world from future threats. Russia should see this positively as it will promote peace, but Russia seeing this in an insecure manner reflects their cold war mentality. USA feels that Russia should not feel insecure and should remove their troops from Ukraine. Russia, in order to curb their sense of insecurity has disrupted world peace and devastated the lives of innocent individuals. This is a world of co-operation and diplomacy and not a world of invasions and dispute.” – USA

“Ukraine had been governed by pro-Russian government for a long time. Recently, the government has had good relations with USA. Russia being against USA’s involvement is not happy with Ukraine for wanting to join NATO. Russia threatened to cut Ukraine off of gas if they join NATO. That is why Ukraine hasn’t joined NATO till date.” – SPAIN
“Iceland says that if Russia wants to make its territory bigger, it doesn’t need to do this forcefully. It can just do it in a normal way by acquiring it by a un-ueparty(?) way so I think they should stop this and just wait for Ukraine to be part of NATO and then it can take permission from the UN.” – ICELAND

“France believes that Ukraine needs to be a part of NATO as they are mostly defenseless against a Russian Invasion. Russia is insecure as Ukraine could call NATO for help in the current crisis and Russia will be at a disadvantage. NATO feels that Ukraine needs its help.” – FRANCE

“The delegate of Russia objects to Ukraine being in alliance with NATO because it will be affiliated to nations which are not in friendly relations with Russia and therefore harm the relations between Russia and Ukraine. However, this is not the main motive of the intervention. “– RUSSIA

“The delegate of Czech Republic believes that there is no reason for Russia to feel insecure and condemns its action. Czech Republic also declares full support to Ukraine, and also wishes it to become a part of NATO as soon as possible.” – CZECH REPUBLIC

“The delegate of Luxembourg agrees with delegate of Vietnam. The NATO alliance at the moment is looking to surround Russia creating strategic military advantage against Russia if even a war was to take place between Russia and Western Europe.” – LUXEMBOURG

“The delegate of Canada believes that this is an invalid reason to start a war and cause n intervention.” – CANADA

 “The delegate of Italy feels that Russia has violated International law. There was no need for them to have an armed attack on Crimea. The delegate believes that issues can be sorted by vocal expression of opinions.” – ITALY

“The delegate completely agrees with Vietnam’s statement, Russia’s invasion of Crimea is indicative that Russia is accompensatory(?) for the loss of Soviet Union by invading new nations/territories.” – GERMANY

“The delegate believes that if this is the case, the military retaliation was justified.” – LITHUANIA

“Turkey feels that this is a blatant act of superiority by Russia, as they want to expand their territory. If we need to stop this we must keep in mind the choice of the other countries.” – TURKEY

“Russia has regretted the legitimacy if the interim Ukrainian government in favour of ousted President Viktor Yanukovych whose request for intervention has also been cited.” – BELGIUM

Dipannita Mukherjee
Assistant Director, Press.

NATO - Crisis Reactions (Part 1)

CRISIS – Ukrainian President is dead and the Government has been taken over by Angela Merkel’s people!

Turkey: provide military assistance to Ukraine as backup ffs. 
France: this was complete foul play by Germany and EU should take strict action against Germany for this. Russia and Germany are hand in hand in this crisis.
Portugal: All of the EU members should combine their forces to prevent Germany from attacking. (Let's rek em)
Spain: would like to not get involved. (10/10 diplomacy)
Greece: Not fair at all. It affects tourism in Greece which is ruining the economy. (lol greece you need to relax and look at the bigger picture m8)
Lithuania: NATO has deployed forces around the Baltic states for protection.
Russia: We have a chance to regain Crimea and do not care about Germany’s motive.(rephrases previous statement) – Russia has more concern about their motives than Germany’s motives. (much rephrase very diplomacy wew)
(Delegate of USA to Russia - Does Russia feel that attacking Crimea with missiles and weapon won't cause any objections in the rest of the world?)
Russia: Other countries will fear the Russo-German alliance. (lolw0t m8)
(Delegate of Netherlands to Russia- There are Russians in Crimea. By deploying missiles you will be injuring the ones located there)
Russia: The missiles are directed to Kiev, not Crimea. (you're confusing me now shut up)
Germany: OFFICIAL STATEMENT- These are the actions of an individual and not by the country. Germany condemns her actions and she will be put in judicial custody and will face prosecution in the International Court of Justice. 
Direct interaction between Merkel and Putin and no involvement of Secret Service.
Germany is not an ally of Russia in this matter. Merkel has been working with Putin separately. (ggwp Germany)
(Rephrases statement) - Angela Merkel will be prosecuted in Germany. 
Italy: Miss Merkel’s acts should be condemned. (Oh rlli)
Canada: would like to find out a definite siding of Germany
Croatia: Merkel should be arrested for this crime. (.....)
Portugal: Will remain neutral (like always)
Netherlands: Nato’s first actions should be to send reinforcements to Ukraine and a new President should be elected. 
Luxembourg: Call a meeting between Germany, France, US and Luxembourg and find out what’s happening. Invoke Vice President and keep him in protective custody. Waiting for some substantial evidence from Germany. (#beingproactive)
Ukraine: Delegate becomes temporary President until they find another. 
Czech Republic: Would like to know the official stance of Germany and in case NATO declares war on Russia and Germany, Czech would allow the troops to base in Czech. 
India: will not side with Russia and Germany and remain neutral. 
Norway: Germany should be thrown out of EU (where is your common sense m8)
US: Immediate measure- US will provide some defensive military aid in order to intercept missiles to Ukraine. (yay more aids)
Ukraine: refuses to believe the innocence of Germany and will take defensive military aid from US.
Belgium: Merkel wasn't aided by the German government.
Poland: Russia has went back on its word and launched an attack with Germany and they should be taken out of the UN. 

(to be continued...) 

PS: lol sorry if you found the running commentary annoying or immature. 

Dipannita Mukherjee
Assistant Director, Press.

NATO - Simulated Crisis

Кому: ANxxLx Mxrkex
Петро Porxshenxx был убит глава нашей страны из армии генерал-лейтенант Вернер Freers. Украина сейчас без президента. Наши ракеты готовы к развертыванию в украинский парламент дома. Нам просто нужно вашей команды. Мы надеемся, что это приводит к вашей генерального плана, чтобы уничтожить Украину.
От: Владимир Путин
Komu: ANxxLx Mxrkex
Petro Porxshenxx byl ubit glava nashey strany iz armii general-leytenant Verner Freers. Ukraina seychas bez prezidenta. Nashi rakety gotovy k razvertyvaniyu v ukrainskiy parlament doma. Nam prosto nuzhno vashey komandy. My nadeyemsya, chto eto privodit k vashey general'nogo plana, chtoby unichtozhit' Ukrainu.
Ot: Vladimir Putin

To: ANxxLx Mxrkex
Petro Porxshenxx has been assassinated by our country’s head of army Lieutenant General Werner Freers. Ukraine is now without a president. Our missiles are ready to be deployed to the Ukrainian parliament house. We just need your command. We hope that this leads to your master plan to destroy Ukraine
From: Vladimir Putin

To: Vladimir Putin
Thank you for the update. Germany will continue to fire some of its missiles at planes flying over Eastern Ukraine. Let Ukraine fall and burn into pieces. USA will be aiding us in the ground intervention of Ukraine. Obama is ready to deploy 3 nuclear warheads in Donetsk, Kiev and Cherkasy. India will also fire some of its missiles, Agni towards several cities in Ukraine.
 Let the Ukrainian fall begin. Death to Ukraine.
From: Angela Merkel

From: Narendra Modi

Our missiles are ready to be fired. We are willing to test some nuclear warheads as well. We will support you all the way.
To: Angela Merkel

NATO - Press Conference Day 1

As the recording starts, Russia is being interrogated by one of the Chairs. The delegate of Russia was violating his foreign policy and discussing drone warfare against Ukraine. 

Dipannita Mukherjee
Assistant Director, Press.


Raising motions, moderated and unmoderated caucuses, dramatic enactments of crisis and frying of the delegates by the press...the Paris peace conference had it all. While the delegates from around the world gave their views on the repercussions of the great war, and the crucial and undeniable role of Germany in it, there were quite a few who believed that Germany should be pressurized with such harsh terms as they had already suffered much loss. David Lloyd George had had Germany as its best pre trading partner and knew better than to pressurize it with huge reparations  - he wanted it to return to its original prosperous form; yet at the same time could understand why everyone was determined to make it suffer. George Clemenceau, whereas, had been greatly affected by the Franco Prussian war, and was determined to devastate Germany in such a way that it wouldn’t stand a chance to rise against France once again. All along, there were certain countries like Greece and USA who very diplomatically conveyed their opinion as a mix of harshness and kindness so as to arrive at a peaceful conclusion. While some wanted the innocent people of Germany to be spared of the punishment and wanted the leaders to pay – obviously since they were the mastermind behind it; there was a fair divide of people who wanted the people to suffer as well to keep them from retaliating seeking for vengeance. The reparation fee was quite bulky ranging from 5.2 billion pounds to a 10 million pounds...not to mention the situation grew hilarious with the new generation kiddos confusing it with the present currency euros  - which didn’t quite exist at that point of time ; while a few came up with an idea of compensating it in terms of military members and ammunition. The delegates were quite taken by surprise when the board of executive members questioned them as to why exactly should Germany pay...(I just love how this team of delegates think backwards) ...which forced them to think about how exactly was Germany a cause for “THE GREAT WAR” – which should initially have been their first question.” Then the Mr. Venizelos comes up with the great Megali idea  - a brainwave actually – although none of the delegates have any clue as to how this is help in achieving peaceful terms.When questioned on the situations they had been in; the treaties they had signed. it was particularly shocking that Mr. George Clemenceau  - PM of France – had no clue as to what the Irish envoy was all about and the PM of Germany  - Mr. Philip Scheidmann hadn’t even heard of the Treaty of Brest Litovsk(the extremely harsh and vindictive  treaty signed between Russian and Germany).The entire committee, after a grilling press conference, came to the realization that the delegates of the Paris Peace Conference had no clue as to what actually is going on in their countries. With a remainder and a warning by the press to the delegates – to actually delve more into the status and foreign policies of their own countries – the Paris Peace Conference continued with its session  - full of  conflicting ideas, heated debate and  interesting conclusions for the terms regarding the world war I and its repercussions.  


(to be continued...)


DISEC: Crisis Averted!

The DISEC committee was enthusiastic and raring to go at the beginning of the committee. The GSL was short and concise consisting of Pakistan, Iraq, U.S.A and India. The GSL was quick, outlying the topic generally, with all the countries expressing major concern and talking about the arms trade treaty. 
Immediately after the GSL moderated caucuses were opened to discuss sub topics under the main topic, illicit trade of small arms.

The first moderated caucus was on marking and tracing small arms. Russia had a strong and valid point, stating that electronic methods could be used from the very beginning, tracing the arms to their legit owners and holding them accountable. Germany also said something along these lines. An outrageous statement was made by U.S.A., stating that 3D holographic imprints could be used to track arms. He was unable to explain this statement and floundered, talking about the economic feast ability of the proposition. Another explosive statement was made by China, declaring they want to use un-armed drones to track and survey trade arms. China didn't take much notice of the fact that drones can be easily misused but tried valiantly to defend his stance, though it received a lot of criticism from fellow delegates.

The press conference was then held, provoking bewildered reactions on the targeted delegates such as Iran, Russia and the People's republic of China. The press was ruthless, and aided by the chair managed to make the delegates flustered and agitated.  Iran was completely overwhelmed and provided no response, however Russia argued back making a few fair points. China was also very nervous, tripping over his sentences but in the end made a convincing speech. The press conference was altogether very satisfying and left the delegates trembling and shaking in their seats.

There was no respite from the pressure, as soon as the Press was done, Crisis arrived. Crisis proved to be high-pressure and extremely stimulating; with delegates getting extremely heated and rapid debate taking place. The crisis revolved around ISIS, a “so called terrorist group”, who has taken over Iraq and Syria. There were hasty alliances made and many delegates violated their foreign policy completely. There were radical declarations from DPRK, U.S.A, Russia etc. “You are the railways and I am the freight train” said DPRK to India, extremely frankly.

 Countries quickly started taking sides, converting into unmoderated caucus. DPRK, and China were strong supporters of ISIS (who wanted to impose Sharia Law all over the world). The other powerful countries like U.S.A., India, Russia and Iran were strongly opposed to ISIS regime and formed their own bloc. For a period of time, un-mod was continued as delegates conferred and discussed deciding where to go and judging the situation. India and U.S.A. decided that their reactions were too extreme and agreed to negotiate peace, while China stood by its statement, firmly believing that ISIS was a terrorist group.   

The atmosphere was tense and anticipation filled the air, as finally the blocs and their resolution were announced.  Russia, U.S.A, Iran, Iraq, and most of the countries opted to negotiate peace and DPRK decided to mediate relations between ISIS and the other countries, coming to a conclusion that war would add more chaos and distress to the people. China however, completely stepped over the line, declaring war and creating a very unrealistic resolution. Upon voting, Russia won by a landslide due to their crisp, clear, resolution which almost everyone agreed with. They described their resolution confidently and explained every point, while China stuttered and only got 4-5 votes. In the end, to applause and cheers, Russia's resolution was accepted and passed, ending CRISIS on a positive note.

Once the delegates were content with the resolution the committee reverted back to the GSL. This was a perfect opportunity for delegates who had not been selected, and the delegates did full justice to the GSL, getting right to the point and making the proceedings move faster.  Smaller countries such as Taiwan, Malaysia, and Mexico had a chance to distinguish themselves. Altogether, the session was top-notch with fervent discussion, and intriguing twists and turns at every corner. I’m sure we can't wait for what the next day will hold...


The Ad-Hoc Crisis Committee: Who needs DPRK when you have The Islamic Republic of Korea?!

This year’s 1st session in the Ad Hoc – Crises Committee, comprised of varied opinions, unanimous decisions, strong accusations between countries, and scandals that made the delegates question their trust in the fellow countries, and made the possibility of bilateral decisions challenging.
The session began with a dynamic and scandalous event, where information was revealed to the delegates about a telegram received by Obama from Russia by an anonymous sender. The telegram contained instances of the USSR and the USA collaborating in an attempt to rule the world.
“We are close to world domination” 
“We will rule the world together”
These are a few quotes from the telegram that raised havoc among the countries.
Pakistan seconded Russia, and made a statement saying that “they would be on Russia’s side if they were to rule the world”.
Israel on the other hand stated that they felt insecure as there was an unfair amount of power in the hands of Russia.

Shortly after this shocking telegram was exposed, DPRK threatened to launch ICBM’s into Washington State. In their official statement. DRPK said, “North Korea officially stakes claim the Crimean region. We have 3450 warheads armed and ready to annihilate. We feel no hesitation in wiping out America if necessary”. China supported DRPK’s threat, and proposed that they would provide them with WMD’s. The reasons for these threats remain ambiguous.

However, powerful countries such as the USA and Russia, collaborated with the rebels of Ukraine to address this issue. In their statement, they said that “We recognise DPRKs claims, and consider this an act of aggression. Immediate action will be taken if the threat is not withdrawn. Furthermore, Russia and USA, allied with Iran, India, Iraq, UK and Vietnam. Iran offered to supply enriched uranium to provide aid in the battle against the DPRK. It is believed that the formation of these allies is primarily to suppress acts of terrorism.

Following the formation of this allied group, the North Korean monarchy was overthrown by an uprising of the masses. The masses have formed a republic and a unanimous government of North and South Korea, which is now in power after 50 years. Previous to this governmental reform, North Korea claimed to have 3450 nuclear warheads. The whereabouts of these warheads are unknown, however it is in possession of the Republic of Korea. It is unclear how the republic will proceed to dispose of or use the weapons of mass destruction. The Republic of Korea so formed, was soon named the Islamic Republic of Korea. This is so, because it is believed that the region of DPRK is populated with a majority of Muslims, and hence it was declared an Islamic state.    

Soon after this governmental reform, Iraq proceeded to enforce Sharia law in the middle-east. At present, most of the middle-east is under rule of the ISIS. The ISIS confess that they have used military force to take over rule of the middle-east. They however, proposed to countries that they are willing to negotiate with a condition that their demands be fulfilled, i.e: the “encouragement” of Islam. There are many discrepancies in this claims of ISIS’s. They allegedly are interested only in making peace with other countries, and are however, clearly capable of using military force against those who do not wish to accept their views.

The Islamic Republic of Korea (IROK), accused USSR of:
1) Oppressing against Islamic states,
2) And in making attempts to “rule the world”, in light of the telegram sent to USA.
In their statement IROK said that they “plan to enter Crimea and also plans to take complete control of the Ukraine”. However, Ukraine doesn’t wish to support IROK as it would lead to the fall of the Ukraine, hence Ukraine wishes to be with the USSR.

The controversies pick up momentum, and Pakistan claims to know approximate locations of the Taliban. Pakistan pleads to the UN to seek aid in providing them with troops and adequate man power, as their previous missions to fend of the Taliban have failed.

Drone attacks were sent from IROK to Pakistan, India is believed to have allowed access to their airbase in order for IROK to hold out their attack on Pakistan.

Proceeding the session, ISIS had turned hostile to other countries, as it is powered by IROK, which has the fourth largest army. And therefore, proves to be a threat. IROK has also been held responsible for the assassination of the Obama and Putin. America in Russia are in mourning, and are distressed by this unfortunate event.

There is unrest at in the world at present. There is threat of a World War that may occur at any moment. Countries are under pressure to resolve issues between each other, which in turn, may restore peace. 

To be Continued...

Press-South Korea

Do Muslim women need saving or do developed countries just need to be super heroes?

A moral crusade to rescue oppressed Muslim women from their cultures and their religion has swept the public sphere, dissolving distinctions between conservatives and liberals, sexists and feminists. The crusade has justified all manner of intervention from the legal to the military, the humanitarian to the sartorial. But it has also reduced Muslim women to a stereotyped singularity, plastering a handy cultural icon over much more complicated historical and political dynamics.

Developed Counties under the pretext of supporting Islamic women who are so ‘under privileged’, so ‘unsupported by their community’ have overrun Islamic and African countries with organizations and soldiers. But the question is do they need saving? Do we need to judge everything about them from their education to their clothes?

Take the veil, for example. We were surprised when many women in Afghanistan didn’t take them off after being “liberated,” seeing as they had become such symbols of oppression in the West. But we were confusing veiling with a lack of agency. What most of us didn’t know is that 30 years ago the anthropologist Hanna Papanek described the burqa as “portable seclusion” and noted that many women saw it as a liberating invention because it enabled them to move out of segregated living spaces while still observing the requirements of separating and protecting women from unrelated men. People all over the globe, including Americans, wear the appropriate form of dress for their socially shared standards, religious beliefs and moral ideals. If we think that U.S. women live in a world of choice regarding clothing, we need to look no further than our own codes of dress and the often-constricting tyrannies of fashion.

Then we come to education. We talk about the serious lack in the education of girls caused by the religious intolerance of Muslims. Across the Muslim world girls have even been going to state schools for generations. In Pakistan, poverty and political instability undermine girls’ schooling, but also that of boys. Yet in urban areas, girls finish high school at rates close to those of young men, and they are only fractionally less likely to pursue higher education. In many Arab countries, and in Iran, more women are in university than men. In Egypt, women make up a bigger percentage of engineering and medical faculties than women do in the U.S.

Facts are facts. Beliefs and rumors aren’t. If tomorrow the world changes and women being dressed normally and honorably like the Muslims are accepted won’t the scanty, revealing dressing methods and fashions of Western countries be the socially unacceptable dressing sense? Will Muslim countries send organizations to America attempting to teach them honorable dressing? I seriously do not think so. Of course this won’t happen because when U.S does it its called civil assistance but if Muslims tried it, it would be Muslim maniacs attempting to convert Americans.

There is no doubt that Western notions of human rights can be credited for the hope for a better world for all women. But I suspect that the deep moral conviction people feel about the rightness of saving the women of that timeless homogeneous mythical place called Islamland is fed by something else that cannot be separated from our current geopolitical relations. Maybe the world would really be a better place if we minded our own business and left people who want to be left alone, alone. These will however always be if’s and maybes unless we truly attempt to provide the respect that we would want. Maybe and most definitely to make the world a better place we should be the change we want to see.

Press- Iran

An interview with the UK: The HIV/AIDS Pandemic

United Kingdom speaks on HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Questions replied to:
1.What is UK’s stance on HIV/AIDs pandemic spread?
2.What is UK doing to prevent such an outbreak?
3.What solution does UK hope to reach?

The HIV/AIDS pandemic has proved to be one of the greatest threats to humanity. Currently, 35.3 million people around the world are combating the virus of which 50% are women. The vulnerability of women to the disease is due to a multitude of factors - economic vulnerability, lack of awareness and education, violence against women, social stigma, societal gender norms, etc. The socially constructed gender norms have made it harder to fight the virus. The distinct roles and behaviours of men and women in a given culture, dictated by that culture's gender norms and values, give rise to gender differences, most of which are gender discriminatory, proving detrimental to one group.

In the United Kingdom (UK), the HIV/AIDS epidemic was first introduced in 1981, and since then, technological, economical and medical advances have made a tremendous impact in the fight against AIDS. Since its discovery, the UK has made several efforts to combat the epidemic and the social stigma associated with it. Although the majority of AIDS patients are male, steps have been taken to break the gender norms that obstruct the battle against HIV/AIDS.

Unlike other countries, society in the UK doesn’t follow such rigid norms, and most women are able to come to terms with their illness and seek treatment publicly. The Terence Higgins Trust, established in 1982, was the first AIDS organization in UK that brought the HIV/AIDS pandemic to public attention. The death of acclaimed singer, Freddie Mercury in 1991, also raised public awareness of AIDS. Since then, the fight against AIDS has come a long way. The Government announced in 1999, that all pregnant women would now be offered an HIV test as part of their routine care, and that they would be advised to take it whatever the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy This initiative saw an 80% decrease in the number of children born with HIV and lowered the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV to below 1%. In 2012, HIV treatment was made universally available, regardless of citizenship or immigration status, so as to protect the public and prevent infection. In 2013, UK met its target of spending 0.7% of GDP on international development for the year, establishing the country as a world leader in the HIV response. In August, Ministers announced plans to change the law in order to allow HIV self-testing kits. This would enable people to perform a simple saliva test at home, which would quickly give the user a “negative”, or a “positive” result. It was hoped that making the tests more readily available would help reduce HIV prevalence. Since 1981, HIV treatment in the UK has come a long way.  Most HIV victims are living longer lives and the number of AIDS related deaths has seen a dramatic decrease. 

The fight against HIV/AIDS, with a gender perspective, has a long way to go. Gender discrimination has deterred the fight against AIDS as a whole and will leave the world vulnerable. Social stigma hold back progress and it is upon this that the Government of UK has targeted, introducing HIV/AIDS causes, symptoms and treatment into the curriculum. Similarly, the media is being called upon to increase awareness regarding HIV/AIDS and to break social stigma. Officials have also established that NHS administers free treatment. The Equality Act 2010 was incorporated to prohibit discrimination of HIV patients in workplaces. Currently, the main aim is to educate and raise awareness amongst the public regarding HIV/AIDS and the social stigma present.


Under Secretary General of INMUN makes Delegate of Italy wish he Pasta-way. Is Italy good for only Pizza?

The Under Secretary General of INMUN visited the CSW committee to question a few countries and the most memorable of those were his questions that continuously baffled the Delegate of Italy into a submissive silence.

The session began with a moderated caucus on how prostitution was one of the factors that leads to increase of HIV cases in the world. Italy then claimed in its speech that it was completely against prostitution and that the Italian government was doing everything it could to stop sex trade. The Under Sec-Gen then with a quizzical look on his face questioned the delegate of Italy asking him why, if this was so, did the Italian government plan on including Prostitution and Drugs in their GDP. The delegate of Italy now clearly flustered said that these facts weren’t true or hadn’t been put into effect yet to which the Under Sec-Gen replied saying he would get back to him.

A few speakers later the Under Sec-Gen pointed to the screen where there was a CNN article on how drugs and prostitution are being included in the Italian GDP was being projected. The Italian delegate having nothing to say retorted with a half hearted the allegations are false and media lies story. He proceeded to ask the Under Sec-Gen to provide Italian media proof of this but when the Under Sec-Gen asked him for the name of any Italian media the delegate could not provide any information.

Italy then tried to placate the Under Sec-Gen by saying that drugs aren’t a part of the HIV prevention topic. The delegate of UK then piled on to the misery of the Italian delegate by saying that drugs when injected by infected or reused syringes does in fact lead to AIDS and spread HIV. The Italian delegate was then given time to compose himself and prepare an appropriate answer which we hope to receive tomorrow when we discuss the solutions and prevention methods to the spread of the HIV pandemic in the CSW committee. More on this topic tomorrow.


DISEC and Illicit Small Arms Trade: The justification of ISIS?

The DISEC committee opened up in a positive note. All the delegates were in a good, positive mood, and ready to start. Due to majority the agenda chosen for the first day was Illicit small arms trade. The General speaker list consisted of USA, India, Pakistan and finally Iraq. The delegates spoke on the point, and strictly talked only about the agenda.

The first moderated caucus was on the marking and tracing the small arms. The delegates of Russia suggested an electronic and effective way of keeping records, and to make sure the arms are tracked from the place of origin, however the delegate of USA suggested 3D holographic sticker, which was completely out of view, however the delegate was unable to explain this later on. The delegate of China suggested the idea of using drones, to track the arms, however even though drones can be misused, China supports drones. The second moderated caucus was based on international cooperation. China asked for a concrete resolution, as all the resolutions before have not worked, China look forward to coming up with a concrete resolution, that will be enforced. After this, the committee broke into a break.

Directly after break, a press conference was held targeting USA, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, China, and Myanmar. The delegates target were left trembling in their seats, while others hoped they wouldn’t get targeted. The press was cold and vicious, they took on questions, while their chair aided them in what many delegates called an appalling conference .China was questioned about how drones would help to tack small arms, however China believes that the drones do not need to have weapon capability. Drones are completely supported by China, also large areas can be surveyed by the drones.

Soon after, Crisis arose in the committee, leaving many delegates bewildered waiting for what stance their country would take with ISIS taking over Iraq and Syria, trying to enforce the Syria law, stating the everyone should take up Islamic religion. While the countries of USA and France supplied arms to Iran for planning war against the ISIS. Iraq proves to be completely outrageous by taking ISIS’s side on this current crisis. DPRK proved to be completely over the line by supporting Syria.  ISIS raised the vision, that Syrian law shall rule the world.

Germany told the press that they would like to take USA and France’s side. While Iraq had gone completely bonkers by saying” Iraq believes it good of ISIS to take over Iraq”, which makes no sense, as why would any country want another group ruling over them. Yet still China recognizes Iraq as a sovereign country.

Soon, India, which was about to provide scientific news to ISIS from their great scientists withdrew and so did Russia. However China believed this was a horrible mistake by India and Russia. India said they never followed the Syrian law, and now India is looking forward to negotiating peace.

“We recognize ISIS as a terrorist”- USA

Many countries agreed, saying that ISIS is a terrorist group planning to take over the world, while China does not support this at all, China believes ISIS might actually help the world and make it a better place by enforcing the Syrian law.

“We declare war on ISIS supporting Iran”- USA

As many must know. Iran and USA were great enemies, have become good allies, while Russia too supported Iran. ISIS proved only to have China, Iraq, Democratic Republic of Korea, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia while the block against ISIS had USA, France, Russia, Gemany and Iran, which prove to be a very powerful group.

The committee broke into lunch break. After coming back, the very informative and outstanding Directive created by Russia was passed closing the Crisis session, ending the session in a satisfying mood.

China quotes “Iraq and Syria have no right to exist”, giving the reason” With all the human rights violations, they have committed they have done horrible, unethical things. ISIS has a right to exist. A nation that doesn’t take care of its citizen has no right to exist”.



Transcript of PPC Session

Situation 1: Lenin learns how governments are managed.
Vittorio Orlando: German military should be delocalized and foreign policy should be altered to be more peaceful and outgoing
Mehmed VI: Would be a drastic measure to delocalise the german military because it would anger Germany and also be controlling and unfair.

Eleftherios Venizelos: You will only cause more dispute by having other troops in Germany.

Lenin: German people shouldn’t pay but the leaders should instead.
[Exec: How do you propose that?]
Lenin: darn lol
[Exec: Raise another moderated Caucus after this bringing up the topic of making German leaders pay rather than the general population]
Lenin: kden

Philipp Schiedmann: 500,000 soldiers before the war, now there are 100,000 in the german military. They have already faced taxing defeats so leave them be k?

Pilsudski: I disagree with Philipp, because the general population of Germany seek vengeance, therefore we should make them suffer too.

Situation 2: The Paris Peace Conference learns the value of Money
Mehmed VI: Raises Moderated Caucus on Repercussions(Reparations) to be paid by involved countries: time 10 minutes with 30 seconds per speaker- Motion Passes

Mehmed VI:
Countries want to go back home to the safety of the old borders and chill. Can Germany pay the reparations and get this committee over with?

Vittorio Orlando: The price of 8 million euro will be sufficient.
[Exec board: What is a euro?]
 Oh well then 10 million pounds?

Philipp Schiedmann: Germany has paid 660 million pounds
[Exec board: That is still yet to happen, please be seated, delegate]
sorry then

David Lloyd George: Our Colony in India which has become bankrupt because of the war, needs 10.7 million pounds as reparations for this cause.

Mehmed VI: Reduce amount to 500 million pounds.
[Exec: 500 million pounds? Rephrase the amount, delegate]
A substantial amount

David Lloyd George: Reduce to 5 million pounds from 10.7 million, that’s fine by my government.

Situation 3: Crisis: Germany has developed Uranium nuclear energy. Germany awarded Ten points for being creative with their naming of nuclear weapon, calling it the infamous German Bomb.

Hindenburg: bro we rek ur face with nukes

Boris 3: we came here to sort for peace, why you threatening us with nuclear attack?

Hindenburg: u dint even invite me2 da ppc, I do what I want after y’all criticize me so much. Reconsider your positions or we’ll nuke ur faecc.

Eleftherios Venizelos: Why do you want to destroy the rest of the world in Armageddon?

Philipp schiedmann: You rekt us in the war, we need the defense.

Venizelos: we’re still discussing terms of the treaty, and do you want genocide guilt?

Philipp schiedmann: we rek u all

Venizelos: We’ll all work against you if you threaten us with nuclear strike

Philipp schiedmann: I’m too stronk 4 u losers

Venizelos: We’re here to form peace can you stop being so threatening?

Philipp schiedmann: lol shut up
*PS nukes Greece. Venizelos is critically injured, sorry bro.*

The Great War has recommenced.

Situation 4: Germany develops Nuclear Missiles

Seven German Bombs become available and at German disposition. If the US don’t back off from the discussion, we nuke the washingtons ^_^

Wilson: Please leave us alone
Germany: nope i hit ur faec
Wilson: Can we evacuate?
Germany: do what you want as long as you’re not too attached to your capital.

Orlando: You’re a bad person.
Germany: we’re not bad people, and if you say that again I’ll nuke Italy.

Situation 5: The Ottoman empire builds the League of nations

Mehmed VI: Motion to raise moderated Caucus to discuss the formation of the League of Nations.

Mehmed VI: The League of Nations is necessary to help prevent future wars.
Venizelos: The League of Nations should consist of all major and minor countries to maintain international peace.
DLG: The LoN should have greater military capability than any single territory.
Woodrow Wilson: Countries should work together against disarmament and the LoN should be a collective security for its members.
Boris 3: The League of Nations should aid its allies in defending themselves.
